sunnuntai 23. huhtikuuta 2017

Arhippa Perttunen Symposium ja Runolaulupäivä (Runosong Day)

Runolaulupäivän konsertit ja paikkakunnat
Runosong Day concerts and locations

Kainuun Sanomat pe 21.4.2017
Kainuun Sanomat friday April 21st, 2017

Kuhmolainen pe 21.4.2017
Kuhmolainen friday April 21st, 2017

Kuhmolainen pe 28.4.2017
Local newspaper Kuhmolainen on April 28th, 2017

On tuesday April 25th in total of 21 events will take place in 17 different places around Finland under Runosong Day. Best of the Finlands folk musicians will be perfroming in concerts during the day. 

Also on very same day in Kuhmo at 6 p.m. the 15th Arhippa Perttunen Symposium will take place. Symposium takes place annually every year and date (April 25th) goes back the day when Elias Lönnrot and Arhippa Perttunen met in the village of Latvajärvi in Viena Karelia.

Performing in symposium will be Doctor of Philosophy who will keep presentation about subject titled New Age of Old Myths. After presentation Taito Hoffrén will perform in a concert.

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