tiistai 19. toukokuuta 2015

Sommelo 2015: Siba Folk Big Band

Yksi kesän 2015 Sommelo esiintyjistä on lähes 40 henkinen kansanmuusikkokokoonpano Sibelius Akatemian Folk Big Band. Yhtye aloitti toimintansa vuonna 2010 Petri Praudan ohjauksessa osana Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemian kansanmusiikin aineryhmän toimintaa ja vuonna 2012 Siba Folk Big Band Kaustisen kansanmusiikin Vuoden yhtyeeksi. 

Orkesterin ohjelmisto koostuu perinteisistä tanssisävelmistä ja lauluista, uusista opettajien ja opiskelijoiden sävellyksistä ja sovituksista sekä tilausteoksista. Muusikot soittavat lukuisia eri kansanmusiikkisoittimia kuten kanteleita, viuluja, haitareita, harmooneja, tuulisoittimia sekä monia muita, lisäksi myös arkaaisia soittimia kuten jouhikko, munniharppu sekä mänkeri.

Joskus enemmän on enemmän!

Keskiviikkona 1.7.2015 klo 18.00 Juhlakonsertti - Siba Folk Big Band, Kuhmo-talon Lentua-salissa.

One of the Sommelo performers in 2015 is folk music orchestra Sibelius Academy Folk Big Band. Group includes nearly 40 folk musicians and various instruments like kantele, fiddlers. accordions, harmoniums, wind instruments and others, in addition some archaic instruments like jew harp, bowed lyre which bring their own flavor in the mix. 

The orchestra was found and started in guidance of Petri Prauda in 2010 as part of the operation of folk music department of Sibelius Academy. Folk Big Band got the title band of the year in Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2012.

Each member is a player, arranger, multi-instrumentalist, soloist and ensemble musician as well as a skilled improviser! The orchestra performs without using a conductor or sheet music, with all the members communicating together in each given situation in a dynamic, rhythmic and expressive way, through improvisation and focus.

The repertoire of Folk Big Band consists of traditional dance melodies and songs, teachers’ and students’ contemporary compositions and arrangements, and the ordered compositions. There are straightforward polskas, waltzes and schottisches played with irresistible going, which take you to dance. Besides, more atmospheric and meander tunes are represented by the various sparkling contemporary folk music compositions. The arrangements are also done together; often instrument groups make their own interpretation of their harmonies.

Despite our careful research of historical singing and playing styles, we see folk music as something that lives strongly in the present. It doesn’t belong in museums; we live with it every single day. The Folk Big Band is a part of a 10,000-year continuum, and the only way to continue is to keep creating new folk music. The end result is something unprecedented, powerful and contagious it glows with pride for our own musical traditions! 

Sometimes more is more!

Sibelius Academy Folk Big Band will perform in Sommelo Ethno Music Festival on wednesday, july 1st at 6 p.m. in Kuhmo Arts Centre.

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